the alberton papers

Location: alberton, mt., United States

I am a retired steamfitter and vocational instructor, Current member, alberton town council, having served two terms previously, several years ago. Resident of alberton almost 28 years. I am fiscally conservative and socially progressive, a free thinker and an advocate of good, responsive, honest government.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Alberton Papers
Vol II, # 8
By Dick Darne 7-23-06
Someone once said: "you can’t go back to being a kid again". That is not true. This is a report on the bicycle trip. First the facts: four grown men, a thirty-something, a forty-something, a fifty- something, and a sixty- something left Alberton Wednesday and rode the Hiawatha trail and the trail of the Coeur D Alenes, about 85 miles. We made it with one flat tire, three made 85 mi., and yours truly at 67 mi. (they decided I looked like I could use some gatorade). We saw spectacular scenery, witnessed the Trail-Marshall crash and burn, and learned what to do and not do on the next trip. Now the rest of the story.
Think back to the thrilling days of youth, when every day was "high adventure". Bicycles were a lot different then, heavy and only one speed, a chore to pull a hill. It seemed we always wound up a long, long way from home, hungry and thirsty and facing a steep grade to get home. All the unexplored was downhill from home, yet we had to do it. For years I believed that I could never go back, all that was left was a fading memory. I did go back, for stretches of the trail, I was a kid again, eagerly watching for what lay around the next bend, the wind blowing thru my grey hair, seeing things I had never seen, pedaling for all I was worth, limited only by my older bones, not my newfound thirst for adventure.
A few pointers: if you do the Hiawatha, get the best light you can. That 8000+ ft. tunnel is dark. Allow for the return bus being full and a extra hour and a half wait. On the Coeur D Alenes trail, get a desert bag, the water in your bottle gets warm. There are pottys but no water for long stretches. Consider parking, and riding out and back. We put over 1200 miles on 2 cars to travel 150 car miles and 85 bicycle miles, the bulk being to "shuffle" between riding points. I heartily recommend either of these trails for you, your family and guests. DD

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Alberton Papers Vol. II, #7
By Dick Darne 7-17-06
Sometimes an apparent problem is still a problem, but blamed on the wrong people. Take so called "illegal immigration", think for a moment and it becomes apparent that it has been framed that way. Some of us can remember back 30-40 years ago when there was no "illegal immigration" problem. Actually for many, many decades, about a million of our neighbors to the south came up across the border each year, picked the crops, and about a million went back when the work was done. They didn’t stay because they had no social security number, it was against the law for employers to hire them, so with no work available, they had to go home. Still, a cheap, compliant workforce has always been the goal of a lot of businesses. Enter "reaganomics", the pertinent laws ceased to be enforced, voila, cheap compliant workers. Heck, you didn’t even have to pay them at all if you didn’t want to. Great for the bottom line. Big bonuses for big business typhoons. Just the thing for those jobs that can’t be shipped overseas. But back to the problem, reexamined, it becomes "illegal employment". Enforce the law. A lot cheaper than a haliburton "no-bid fence. Repeat after me, slowly, " I l l e g a l e m p l o y m e n t" not " I l l e g a l I m m i g r a t I o n ". Thank you, I am always happy to help solve the world’s socioeconomic problems. Next week I will report on my 3 day, 100 mile bicycle trip with the gravely mountain boys, picking and singing our way across Idaho. Also don’t forget the Friends of the Library pot luck/fund raiser next sat. in Superior heard there’s some good music there. dd

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Alberton Papers
Vol. II, #6 By Dick Darne
"things that can’t go on forever, probably wont"
After six months on this particular town council, I have concluded that it will not work as it is now. Fact: Mayor Hanson’s almost two to one victory over his opponent was just as much a repudiation of the previous policies as it was a victory for Joe. My own election took place with all my views out in the open. The march of folly continues. We have a council member appointed by the previous regime, another who is employed by the clerk, and a carryover who doesn’t want to be there. Knowing that there looms ahead, major and costly upgrades to our water system, and accompanying rate increases, funds are being spent with no thought of oversight or economy, only "it’s in the budget, so it’s ok." The gazebo is a financial disaster and all the CDBG funds are gone. We have several streets in bad shape, have any of our council members walked our streets? The bobcat is a joke as far as our needs are concerned. We have the old firehall wearing one of the worst remodels I’ve ever seen, and we already paid the contractor in full. The harassment of Joe has reached the level of absurdity. I would say I am ashamed of the council, but of some, their behavior is expected. The will of the people being of paramount importance, I suggest the following: let us all collectively resign, and all stand for election. If the citizens want more of the same, then you all will be returned to office. If they want a change, then they will elect accordingly.
Dick Darne 7-11-06

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Alberton Papers
Vol. 2, #5 By Dick Darne 7-4-06
There are at least five hundred doggie stories in Alberton.
This is one of them.
In my role as an investigative reporter, I have interviewed some of the participants and verified the facts. First, lets identify the main characters: 1) "boom-boom", a black Pomeranian, residing at Ms. Petersen’s. 2) "wylie", a black pomeranian, residing at Ms. Brovold’s. Other characters will remain unnamed.
Ms. Petersen leaves for a few days, leaving "boom-boom" in good hands, but no one else knows this. Ms. Brovold lets "wylie" outside. Someone sees what appears to be "boom-boom", and escorts him home. A neighbor sees "poor boom-boom" and after taking him for a ride and probably a doggie treat (not verified), takes him home and puts him inside with food and water. Meanwhile, Ms. Brovold is wondering where "wylie" is. Ms. Petersen’s "house-checker finds that "boom-boom" who usually growls at him, is now very friendly. Ms Brovold becomes more worried. Soon the citizens of Alberton, who are all above average in intelligence, figure out what is going on, and "wylie" is reunited with his owner and everyone lived happily ever after. After all , "doggie mis identification" has happened before, although not always happily. Ask old "prince", after being tried sans "corpus delicti", and being branded a doggie convict, he was arrested and in custody while still at home. (True story)
Point being, two pomeranians who looked alike, two golden- retreiver-look alikes,and however-many black lab look alikes , ad- nausem; the tattle tale method of animal control is not reliable. A more workable solution has been in place for many years. If your neighbor’s dog offends you, get a witness and/or a picture and sign the complaint yourself. Justice will be served in court with less chance of "doggie misidentification".
This actually was two doggie stories. I have to go now, I have to investigate a report of a vital cog in the health, safety and welfare department locking the keys in a running vehicle. Just a rumor at this point. I treat all sources as confidential. dd