Location: alberton, mt., United States

I am a retired steamfitter and vocational instructor, Current member, alberton town council, having served two terms previously, several years ago. Resident of alberton almost 28 years. I am fiscally conservative and socially progressive, a free thinker and an advocate of good, responsive, honest government.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Alberton Papers # 16
By Dick Darne 4-22-06
Today we will give some thought to "thinkers" and "doers". Lets divide the world’s people into two groups, thinkers and doers. Now hardly anyone is 100% either, but lets imagine so for a moment. Doers usually deride thinkers, deeming them useless, crying "those who can, do; those who can not teach". Sometimes even exclaiming: "John Wayne never read no stinking directions", they forge ahead, like Godzilla smashing Tokio, all the while the thinkers are brooding "what a bunch of %&$#@(&$! Barbarians"! We can plan this better, to which the doers reply: "yeah and h(#% will freeze over before anything ever gets started much less gets done". And so it has always been. Fortunately, most of us are some proportion of each, and in any functioning group all the percentages probably total out to about half and half. If the truth be told, if we were all one or the other, then we could never function individually. (The Duke is not real) Lets consider one of man’s first accouterments to survival; fire. If all we had was thinkers, we’d be still discussing how nice it would be to have fire, whereas if we were all doers we’d still be gathering around a fresh lightning kindled fire. With some thinkers involved, we might consider how to make our "fire on demand",maybe by rubbing sticks together. If the doers dominate then we’d still be rubbing sticks together, waiting for thinkers to envision flint & steel, doers to do, thinkers to dream of matches doers to do, bic lighters etc.....
the point is: we all need each other, together we can make things work.
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