eternal vigilance is the price of liberty
The Alberton Papers, Vol. IV, #XIX
By Dick Darne 8-28-07
This day in the Think-Tank was going to be different. Everyone was setting up chairs and waiting. The Big boys were calling a meeting. Elder seemed to be in charge of organizing things. At the opposite end of the room was: the Lady, Nemi, Mother Nature, Padre and Viggie, Padre’s cousin. They all had been pretty busy, especially Viggie, what with all the assaults on our liberties lately. Viggie had come to report on the damage.
"I guess you all are wondering why I called this meeting." Viggie said unceremoniously . "I am the guy who sits in front of our National Archives, with the inscription: ‘ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY’. While I have been proud to keep watch since the beginnings of our grand experiment in government of the people, by the people and for the people, what it really means is it is up to each and every one of our citizens to stand the vigil. We have been a little lax and allowed great damage to be done to our constitution. It seems as though very few of us have any sense of history or how government should work. Even among the framers, and a fine collection of the brightest and best they were, there were those who believed that only a few special people should rule. They have taken many forms, among them the rich, of which most of their fortunes were acquired by nefarious methods (and then we name bridges, hospitals, towns and schools after them) and inherited wealth, which then gives the recipients the means for mischief. Some have a world-view way out of touch with reality, the benevolent ‘Massa’ in the mansion on the hill, watching as all the happy workers whistle their way to work, swinging their lunch buckets and gushing gratitude at even having a job at all. These are the people who fund phony think-tanks, pouring mega-bucks into shaping public opinion. Then we have the Neo-Cons, disciples of Strauss, also known as ‘the crazies’ who truly believe that only they and others of their ilk can possibly understand and lying to the people is absolutely necessary. The first group have gained control of most of the media even to the conversion of one conglomerate into nothing but a propaganda outlet. They have constantly hammered on themes like how great the ‘Great Communicator’ was or ‘Government is bad’ which, upon coming into power they set out to prove it. ‘Family values’ is another one, except it seems the ones pouring the family values syrup all over themselves have succumbed to their basest instincts, or to be more blunt, they are sex offending hypocrites. Free markets is another one. What it really means is free markets, with all it’s accompanying, loss of jobs, lower wages no benefits, destroyed communities, urban decay and shattered lives for you and me, but subsidies, corporate welfare and full protection of the state for them. And offshore tax breaks as a bonus. We’ll take a break now and pick this up later. Thanks, thinkers."
Stop listening to fake news. Stop supporting the bad guys. dd
By Dick Darne 8-28-07
This day in the Think-Tank was going to be different. Everyone was setting up chairs and waiting. The Big boys were calling a meeting. Elder seemed to be in charge of organizing things. At the opposite end of the room was: the Lady, Nemi, Mother Nature, Padre and Viggie, Padre’s cousin. They all had been pretty busy, especially Viggie, what with all the assaults on our liberties lately. Viggie had come to report on the damage.
"I guess you all are wondering why I called this meeting." Viggie said unceremoniously . "I am the guy who sits in front of our National Archives, with the inscription: ‘ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY’. While I have been proud to keep watch since the beginnings of our grand experiment in government of the people, by the people and for the people, what it really means is it is up to each and every one of our citizens to stand the vigil. We have been a little lax and allowed great damage to be done to our constitution. It seems as though very few of us have any sense of history or how government should work. Even among the framers, and a fine collection of the brightest and best they were, there were those who believed that only a few special people should rule. They have taken many forms, among them the rich, of which most of their fortunes were acquired by nefarious methods (and then we name bridges, hospitals, towns and schools after them) and inherited wealth, which then gives the recipients the means for mischief. Some have a world-view way out of touch with reality, the benevolent ‘Massa’ in the mansion on the hill, watching as all the happy workers whistle their way to work, swinging their lunch buckets and gushing gratitude at even having a job at all. These are the people who fund phony think-tanks, pouring mega-bucks into shaping public opinion. Then we have the Neo-Cons, disciples of Strauss, also known as ‘the crazies’ who truly believe that only they and others of their ilk can possibly understand and lying to the people is absolutely necessary. The first group have gained control of most of the media even to the conversion of one conglomerate into nothing but a propaganda outlet. They have constantly hammered on themes like how great the ‘Great Communicator’ was or ‘Government is bad’ which, upon coming into power they set out to prove it. ‘Family values’ is another one, except it seems the ones pouring the family values syrup all over themselves have succumbed to their basest instincts, or to be more blunt, they are sex offending hypocrites. Free markets is another one. What it really means is free markets, with all it’s accompanying, loss of jobs, lower wages no benefits, destroyed communities, urban decay and shattered lives for you and me, but subsidies, corporate welfare and full protection of the state for them. And offshore tax breaks as a bonus. We’ll take a break now and pick this up later. Thanks, thinkers."
Stop listening to fake news. Stop supporting the bad guys. dd