Location: alberton, mt., United States

I am a retired steamfitter and vocational instructor, Current member, alberton town council, having served two terms previously, several years ago. Resident of alberton almost 28 years. I am fiscally conservative and socially progressive, a free thinker and an advocate of good, responsive, honest government.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

gno rant

The Alberton Papers Vol. VII, # IV By Dick Darne 9-21-08"What the heck are you doing here this early in the morning, Gno?" asked a voice from the tank"Oh, just thought I’d try a cup of your much touted ‘thinking-brew’", replied Gno. "What’s happening around Alberton these days?""Well, nothing much until a few weeks ago, when we had a barfight escalate into assorted assaults, insults and donnybrooks, some arrested, some cited, some still on the loose, people on both sides alarmed, not possessing all the facts and rumors running rampant." answered Bill."Where’s the law and courts on all this?" asked Gno."Funny you asked," said Bill. "At times it looks like a re-run of an old ‘Keystone Cops’ episode""Or Barney Fife on steroids." someone hollered from the back."I remember when I was a young buck, even when you were locked up for your ‘wild and wooly shenanigans’ you still respected the sheriff, not to mention that he knew you, your folks, their folks and all your friends." said Bill."Kinda like ‘community-based law enforcement’ way before the phrase was coined," added Johnny."I blame the barfight that spread into the streets and homes of Alberton on the President," Gno said as he poured a cup of hot coffee."Gratuitous acclamation at this point," said Todd, "Why not offer us your argument?"Gno sat down with a sigh, sipped his coffee, made a face of mild disbelief as he looked at the dark liquid, then began, "It must be obvious to people now how the corporate mindset of "hostile takeover" spread with the CEO's to government. And although we all know that the behavior of some people leads to a certain kind of leadership, it will soon be obvious that certain masses of people imitate the leadership."Consider the attitude of King George the Bush toward law."If we ever get him to the Hague, I believe his argument may go something like this: 'Under the auspices of the quaint legal instrument historically referred to as the Geneva Convention -- specifically articles concerned with war crimes -- our actions do not fall under the terms of crimes against humanity, insofar as terrorists have no legal standing as citizens of any country; therefore they are not citizens of the global community. It is regrettable, but they therefore cede any claim to treatment as human beings. We can torture them with impunity." 'As far as crimes against the Constitution, let me ask you this. If a law is changed by my pet congress to permit the actions of my administration after I have allegedly broken the former law, how can I be guilty of breaking it? Besides, who gives a damn about the Fourth Amendment?' "Gno took another sip of the coffee, then resumed, "I conclude: the danger of this sort of thinking is the danger of non-fallibility. In 1765 Sir William Blackstone wrote, 'That the King can do no wrong is a necessary and fundamental principle of the English constitution.' King George the Bush and his administration are in effect saying they are above the law. And I believe that if the leadership has no respect for the law, how in the world can the leadership expect us to respect the law?"Gno shook his empty cup over the hot stove. The few remaining drips sizzled. "Are you reusing your grounds?""We compost the heck out of ‘em! No wusses shall drink our elixir before it’s time."


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