Gno's rant
The Alberton Papers Vol. VI, #VI
By Dick Darne 4-29-08
"How in the world are we supposed to move around in here, what with all these bikes all over the place?" seemed to be the first question of the day for the think tank.
"I think, with the price of fuel and the impending end of transportation as we all know and love so well, coupled with the demise of our neighborhood salvage yards, Old Crazy Dick figures to corner the market on bicycles." was the reply.
"Yeah, things are pretty much a mess now, three- fourths of our fellow citizens feel that way."
"But, what about the other fourth, how can that be explained?" was the next question.
"Well, some are far removed from any effects of the economy, having so much and feeling so superior to the unwashed masses, but the biggest bunch can be explained by their tendency to ‘just not get it’, easily recognized by their invisible craniums which are hidden from view by a lot of sand or the outer part of one of their prominent bodily orfices. One would think that they could see the plundering and squandering of our treasury, the wasting of our young people’s lives, the shoddy treatment of those returning from a war and occupation based on lies, the deterioration of our infrastructure, the foxes guarding the henhouse, the trashing of our constitution and bill of rights and having seen all of this, they would be sharpening their pitchforks. These people and their ilk are the ultimate enablers and the common gene pool would be better served by first cousins than them. If they had any semblance of honor, they would voluntarily submit to sterilization." ranted Gno in his usual mince no words manner.
"But Gno, shouldn’t we engage them and find common ground or something?" asked Johnny.
"How would one find common ground with those who would take all your liberties away, let them take only half? Enslave you, settle for serfdom? Some things are not negotiable. Ever!" Replied Gno.
Bill chimed in: "I think it’s time to read our history, we’ve been here a few times before and we should realize that if all of history was a line drawn from here to the county line, our little portion would be only a dot. Just during that ‘dot’, there has been one people’s revolt in a ‘civilized’ country resulting in heads rolling into baskets sans bodies. One of the main instigators lost his too. Just one ‘dot’ earlier in another civilized country they dug up Mr. Cromwell, author of an earlier revolt, who had been executed and in the grave for a decade, and after a fair trial, hung him, beheaded him and hung his head over London Bridge."
"Jefferson said that we need to nourish the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants from time to time, but once it starts it can’t always be controlled. Taken in context of history, it’s probably a good thing." added Todd.
"And keep our pitchforks sharp!" said Gno. "And if any of you nice folks don’t believe any of this, just look it up." then he started to sing: Oh Mr. Block you were born by mistake, you make me ache, you take the cake. Tie a rock on your block and go jump in the lake, kindly do that for liberty’s sake." dd
By Dick Darne 4-29-08
"How in the world are we supposed to move around in here, what with all these bikes all over the place?" seemed to be the first question of the day for the think tank.
"I think, with the price of fuel and the impending end of transportation as we all know and love so well, coupled with the demise of our neighborhood salvage yards, Old Crazy Dick figures to corner the market on bicycles." was the reply.
"Yeah, things are pretty much a mess now, three- fourths of our fellow citizens feel that way."
"But, what about the other fourth, how can that be explained?" was the next question.
"Well, some are far removed from any effects of the economy, having so much and feeling so superior to the unwashed masses, but the biggest bunch can be explained by their tendency to ‘just not get it’, easily recognized by their invisible craniums which are hidden from view by a lot of sand or the outer part of one of their prominent bodily orfices. One would think that they could see the plundering and squandering of our treasury, the wasting of our young people’s lives, the shoddy treatment of those returning from a war and occupation based on lies, the deterioration of our infrastructure, the foxes guarding the henhouse, the trashing of our constitution and bill of rights and having seen all of this, they would be sharpening their pitchforks. These people and their ilk are the ultimate enablers and the common gene pool would be better served by first cousins than them. If they had any semblance of honor, they would voluntarily submit to sterilization." ranted Gno in his usual mince no words manner.
"But Gno, shouldn’t we engage them and find common ground or something?" asked Johnny.
"How would one find common ground with those who would take all your liberties away, let them take only half? Enslave you, settle for serfdom? Some things are not negotiable. Ever!" Replied Gno.
Bill chimed in: "I think it’s time to read our history, we’ve been here a few times before and we should realize that if all of history was a line drawn from here to the county line, our little portion would be only a dot. Just during that ‘dot’, there has been one people’s revolt in a ‘civilized’ country resulting in heads rolling into baskets sans bodies. One of the main instigators lost his too. Just one ‘dot’ earlier in another civilized country they dug up Mr. Cromwell, author of an earlier revolt, who had been executed and in the grave for a decade, and after a fair trial, hung him, beheaded him and hung his head over London Bridge."
"Jefferson said that we need to nourish the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants from time to time, but once it starts it can’t always be controlled. Taken in context of history, it’s probably a good thing." added Todd.
"And keep our pitchforks sharp!" said Gno. "And if any of you nice folks don’t believe any of this, just look it up." then he started to sing: Oh Mr. Block you were born by mistake, you make me ache, you take the cake. Tie a rock on your block and go jump in the lake, kindly do that for liberty’s sake." dd