Location: alberton, mt., United States

I am a retired steamfitter and vocational instructor, Current member, alberton town council, having served two terms previously, several years ago. Resident of alberton almost 28 years. I am fiscally conservative and socially progressive, a free thinker and an advocate of good, responsive, honest government.

Monday, July 28, 2008

3 idiots from chalcedony county

The Alberton Papers Vol. VI, #XVI
By Dick Darne 7-28-08
The Think Tank was up and cogitating early this morning. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of our learned friend, Professor Sven Berkowitz, who was bringing his brother Lars, who heads up the Nodak U Political Science and Industrial Technology department. Lars had been observing events in Alvinville, over in Chalcedony County. We didn’t have to wait long, two scholarly gentlemen pedaled up on their bikes, hopped off, hung up their helmets and came inside.
"Wunnerful, wunnerful, glad to see you boys. How do you like our bikes? Latest technology from Nodak U Research Department. Made of Knapweed fibers, stronger than steel. Faster than walking and great gas mileage." exclaimed Sven.
"Yah, but don’t park ‘em in the middle of a field using insects for weed control or your bike might get eaten." added Lars. It was good to see that Lars’ sense of humor equaled that of Sven.
"You boys have some questions ? On the phone you asked about an economy based on constant growth. Well let me tell you, that which can’t go on forever, won’t. Depending on the pie always getting bigger is like eating your seeds for the future crops, or eating your laying hens, or your breeding stock." said Sven.
"Of course, some will always find a way to profit right to the end." added Lars. "Did anyone ever wonder what the man who cut down the last tree on Easter Island was thinking? Have any of you ever read ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’? Some of these things are happening over in Chalcedony County right now. They have been trying very hard to have an aggrandizement policy for their area, to have some guidelines for growth. Then along comes these three neanderthals and they start verbally abusing anyone who they perceive to be standing in their way."
"Just who are these idiots?" someone asked.
"I’ll just give you a little background on them." answered Lars. "Idiot number one is just a loudmouth bully who thinks he’s still playing in his sandbox with the smaller kids, number two’s claim to fame is his willingness to cross a picket line and number three is the kid from the Chalcedony County crime family who they sent to law school."
"Wow!" someone exclaimed. "Aren’t you worried that the bully might come after you?"
"Well, if he does I guess it’ll be my name on his mailbox." answered Lars.
"I think they might benefit from anger management classes." added Sven
"That picket crossing bit kinda rankles me." said Bill Woods. All good working men are obligated to lend a hand to all branches of honorable toil but crossing a picket line should earn one a lifetime of scorn, as one unworthy of assistance."
"Amen." rose up collectively from the thinkers.
"The truth is out there, let’s free it!" was Sven’s parting words.
"Read the Tragedy of the Commons, book report due next week." added Lars. Will get you there. dd


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