labor day 08
The Alberton Papers Vol. VII, #I
By Dick Darne 9-01-08
"Wow! Those guys can say a lot in a short time with a very few words." Exclaimed Johnny. "I wish they would come more often and stay a little longer."
"They leave us with things to ponder, after all we are a ‘Think Tank’ aren’t we? And don’t forget what Elder told us; we’re not the only bunch of thinkers and what with all the assaults on our liberties, they are kept hopping." Replied Bill. "Besides, it’s Labor Day so we should ruminate on that also."
"Good idea!" Said Todd. "We should reflect on the good fortunes that some of us enjoy, such as; decent wages, health care and a good defined benefit pension to retire with before you are ‘all used up’."
"Don’t forget decent, safe working conditions that help forestall the reckoning with ‘all used up’." Added Bill. Wasn’t too long ago that ‘going to work at seven’ referred to age, not the starting time. A normal day was from first light to when it was dark. No ‘having a nice weekend’ much less a three day weekend, toil was six and a half days and sometimes seven long days per week."
"And let’s remember that all workers owe the forty hour week to the blood, sweat, tears and lives of our Union Fathers gave to win it for all of us." Said Todd. "But let’s not forget the oath that many of us took, namely ‘to extend a helping hand to all branches of honorable toil’. Respect and support our Brothers and Sisters in whatever they do. Buy Union. Support businesses that employ Union Labor.
"Another thing we must do is support those who support us, find out what politicians are for us working folks and work hard to get them elected." Said Todd. "Looks like Gno has a couple of gems for us, take it away Gno!"
" One thing that those who enjoy all these things taken for granted could do is leave the waitress a little more than a mess on the table. One can’t help but be amazed at how many outright cheapskates there are out there. It’s a testament to the self control of our finest ladies that there aren’t more bowls of soup ‘accidentally’ dropped in El Cheapo’s lap. Or worse!" Declaired Gno "And my parting shot, a dream of the working man helped by a long memory: How about a Union built scaffold, using good old USA lumber, from Western Montana of course, large enough to handle all the ones who would attack our liberties or who would turn us into serfs or plunder and pillage our common wealth, using Union made rope, Union hangmen and Union gravediggers. After a fair trial, of course."
"Holy Toledo, Gno, that’ll put some people to work, won’t it?" A voice from the back cried.
"Most of us would settle for having them as guests of honor at a barbeque. Trouble is, it’ll take too long that way."
Maybe what Gno is saying is: "no more Mister Nice Guy" until next week dd
By Dick Darne 9-01-08
"Wow! Those guys can say a lot in a short time with a very few words." Exclaimed Johnny. "I wish they would come more often and stay a little longer."
"They leave us with things to ponder, after all we are a ‘Think Tank’ aren’t we? And don’t forget what Elder told us; we’re not the only bunch of thinkers and what with all the assaults on our liberties, they are kept hopping." Replied Bill. "Besides, it’s Labor Day so we should ruminate on that also."
"Good idea!" Said Todd. "We should reflect on the good fortunes that some of us enjoy, such as; decent wages, health care and a good defined benefit pension to retire with before you are ‘all used up’."
"Don’t forget decent, safe working conditions that help forestall the reckoning with ‘all used up’." Added Bill. Wasn’t too long ago that ‘going to work at seven’ referred to age, not the starting time. A normal day was from first light to when it was dark. No ‘having a nice weekend’ much less a three day weekend, toil was six and a half days and sometimes seven long days per week."
"And let’s remember that all workers owe the forty hour week to the blood, sweat, tears and lives of our Union Fathers gave to win it for all of us." Said Todd. "But let’s not forget the oath that many of us took, namely ‘to extend a helping hand to all branches of honorable toil’. Respect and support our Brothers and Sisters in whatever they do. Buy Union. Support businesses that employ Union Labor.
"Another thing we must do is support those who support us, find out what politicians are for us working folks and work hard to get them elected." Said Todd. "Looks like Gno has a couple of gems for us, take it away Gno!"
" One thing that those who enjoy all these things taken for granted could do is leave the waitress a little more than a mess on the table. One can’t help but be amazed at how many outright cheapskates there are out there. It’s a testament to the self control of our finest ladies that there aren’t more bowls of soup ‘accidentally’ dropped in El Cheapo’s lap. Or worse!" Declaired Gno "And my parting shot, a dream of the working man helped by a long memory: How about a Union built scaffold, using good old USA lumber, from Western Montana of course, large enough to handle all the ones who would attack our liberties or who would turn us into serfs or plunder and pillage our common wealth, using Union made rope, Union hangmen and Union gravediggers. After a fair trial, of course."
"Holy Toledo, Gno, that’ll put some people to work, won’t it?" A voice from the back cried.
"Most of us would settle for having them as guests of honor at a barbeque. Trouble is, it’ll take too long that way."
Maybe what Gno is saying is: "no more Mister Nice Guy" until next week dd
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